【导语】高二一年,强人将浮出水面,鸟人将沉入海底。 高二重点解决三个问题:一,吃透课本;二,找寻适合自己的学习方法;三,总结自己考试技巧,形成习惯。为了帮助你的学习更上一层楼,免费高二频道为你准备了《人教版高二英语知识点必修一:考点turn》希望可以帮到你!


  ① turn out 生产;结果是

  ② turn down 关小灯光、音量等;拒绝

  ③ turn to 转向;求助于

  ④ turn up 开大灯光、音量等;出现,露面

  ⑤ turn on / off 打开/关上

  ⑥ turn aside 闪开;放在一边

  ⑦ turn over 使翻转;把某人交给警方等

  ⑧ turn in 上缴;移交

  ⑨ turn against 背叛

  ⑩ turn away from 转过脸不看

  ⑩ turn round 转过去

  [例句]She turned out six full-length novels in her life.她一生写了6部长篇小说。

  The beggar turned out to be a thief. 那个乞丐原来是个贼。

  That radio is pretty loud. Can you turn it down a little?


  Many boys expressed their love to Mary, but she

  turned them all down. 许多男孩向玛丽表达爱慕之意,但都被她拒绝了。

  After he left the university he became a teacher, but later he turned to translation. 他大学毕业后当了教师,但后来转而从事翻译工作。

  We often turn to this handbook for information. 我们经常查阅这本手册寻找资料。

  He promised to come, but hasn't turned up yet. 他答应来,但尚未到。

  When he felt tired, he turned aside from his books to listen to the radio. 感到疲劳时,他就把书放在一边去听收音机。

  ▲ 友情提示:要准确记住不同的搭配,尤其是一个短语有多个意思的。

  【考例3】2004浙江 We wanted to get home before dark, but it didn't quite ____ as planned.

  A. make outB. turn out

  C. go onD. come up

  [考查目标] 此题主要考查动词短语的辨义。

  [答案与解析]Bmake out有“弄清楚。明白”的惠思;turn out 的意思是“结果是.证明是”;go on 的意思是“继续”!come up 的意思是“过来,走来”。题意是:我们原来想在天黑前到家,但结果并不像预计的那样。