


  1.She is _________ young to understand the book.

  2.His back was badly i_____________ in the war.

  3.When he heard the news that his father was trapped in the ruins, he b__________ into tears.

  4.The police made effort to r___________ the people who were trapped underground.

  5.Tom’s car was completely d____________ in the accident.

  6.J_________________ from his accent, we know he comes from the county.

  7.Keep the children away from the _________________________电

  8.Though badly _________________ 受惊的, she appeared outwardly calm.

  9.She seemed to take pleasure in our _____________ 痛苦

  10.His death was a great _________________震惊 to us.

  11.Queer_________ the news seemed, it is true.

  12.Little ________ I think he was a spy .

  13.He is such a good person that we all think _____________ of him .

  14.People now attempt to use solar energy to take the p____________ of electricity.

  15.They are d__________ out the truth behind the news.


  1.too 2. injured 3. burst 4. rescue 5. destroyed 6. Judging 7. electricity 8. shocked 9. pain

  10.shock 11. as 12. did 13. highly 14. place 15. digging


  1.立刻, 马上 _______________ 2. 爆发 __________________

  3.结束 ___________________ 4. 一片废墟 ________________

  5. 发现 掘出 ______________ 6. 许多, 大量 _______________

  7. 凭 ….判断 ______________ 8. 为了纪念 ________________

  9. 为….做准备 ______________ 10. 成千上万 _________________

  11.分发 _______________ 12.轻视, 不重视 _______________

  13.从某地拯救 ________________ 14. 口语比赛 _________________

  15. 坚持 ___________________ 16. 阻止某人做某事 ______________

  17.代替, 而不是________________ 18.为…而自豪 _________________

  19.好像 ____________________ 20. 突然笑起来 ________________


  1.right away 2.burst out 3.at an end 4. in ruins 5. dig out 6. a number of 7. judge from

  8. in honor of 9. prepare for 10. thousands of 11. give out 12.think little of

  13. rescue …from 14. speaking competition 15. stick to 16.keep sb from doing stop sb from doing , prevent sb from doing 17.instead of 18. be proud of 19.as if 20.burst out laughing / burst into laughter


  1. 我必须努力把生活安排得更有条理。


  2. 他救出了一个快要淹死的人


  3. 他们建立了一个纪念碑来纪念在地震中死去的人们.monument


  4. 那科学家对此事一无所知, 因为他一直在做他的研究工作.




  1. 并不是所有的人都能知道好好爱护自己.


  2. 参赛的人数是有限的.


  8. 她几乎不会说日语. 用倒装


  9. Though he is a small boy , he knows a lot . 用 as 改写


  10. 地震之前, 似乎世界末日到了.


  11. It might be of help to tell your parent what have happened to you.


  12. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, went to bed as usual that night.


  13. Two thirds of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.


  14. All hope was not lost.


  15. None of them can survive the earthquake.



  1. I must try to organize my life a bit better.

  2. He rescued the man from drowning.

  3. They set up a monument in honor of the deaths in the earthquake.

  4. The scientist knew nothing about the matter, because he was always burying himself in his study.

  5. The freshly-baked bread gave out a sweet smell.

  6. Not all the people know how to take good care of themselves.

  7. The number of competitors is limited.

  8. Hardly can she speak Japanese.

  9. Small boy as he is , he knows a lot.

  10.It seemed that the world was at the end before the earthquake.


  12. 但是城市里的百万人, 对这些奇事并没有多想, 象往常一样去睡觉了.





  · 同步练习 ·

  1.That music sounds _________.

  A.beautiful B.beautifully C.beauty D.to be beautiful

  2、Most of us are against the plan; only a _________ is for it.

  A.majority B.minority C.most D.little

  3.“Can't you read?”Mary said _________ to the notice.

  A.angrily pointing B.and point angrily

  C.angrily pointed D.and angrily pointing

  4.European football is played in 80 countries, _________ it most popular sports in the world.

  A.making B.makes C.made D.to make

  5.They took the shuttle _________ the school.

  A.by B.on C.of D.to

  6.—We were _________ at the _________ decision.

  A.surprised; surprised B.surprising; surprising

  C.surprised; surprising D.surprising; surprised

  7.His mother _________ his success in the newspaper.

  A.learnt B.heard C.learnt about D.learnt from

  8.Now he made holes in the wall, and placed his guns in them, _________outwards.

  A.pointed B.to point C.pointing D.having pointed

  9._________ twice, he didn't want to try again.

  A.Failing B.Having failed C.Failed D.To fail

  10.She set out soon after dark _________ home an hour later.

  A.arrived B.to arrive C.heaving arrived D.and arrived

  11.She stayed in bed for one month. Now she is working harder to _________his lost time.

  A.make up for B.keep up with C.catch up with D.make use of

  12.—I wish you wouldn't have your radio so loud.

  — _________. Were you trying to sleep?

  A.You are right B.I forget it C.Excuse me D.I'm sorry to hear it

  13.—Have you seen _________ umbrella? I left it here this morning.

  —Is it _________ red one? I think I saw it somewhere.

  A.a; the B.the; the C.the; a D.an; a

  14.Chinese is written in characters, _________ seems rather difficult to many foreigners.

  A.which B.what C.there D.that

  15.Except for a few apples left on the tree, the deer had eaten _________ in our garden.

  A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything


  1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. C 9.B 10. D

  11. A 12.C 13. D 14. A 15. D



  2.大部分人反对,则表明只有小部分人同意。be against…反对孙 be for…赞同

  3.Mary said angrily pointing to…=Mary said angrily and pointed to…

  “pointing to …”作伴随状语。

  4.making it …=which makes it …which 指代前半句


  6.surprised adj. 修饰人;surprising adj.修饰事物。

  7.learn学到; learn about 得知,获悉

  8.pointing outwards=and pointed outwards


  11.make up for 补偿,B指“跟上”,C指“赶上”,D指“利用”。

  13.umbrella 是元音开头,所以用an. red 以辅音[r]开头,用a.

  14.which 指代整个主句所表达的这件事。