【导语】 高中阶段学习难度、强度、容量加大,学习负担及压力明显加重,不能再依赖初中时期老师“填鸭式”的授课,“看管式”的自习,“命令式”的作业,要逐步培养自己主动获取知识、巩固知识的能力,制定学习计划,养成自主学习的好习惯。今天免费高一频道为正在拼搏的你整理了《高一英语必修重点短语句子归纳》,希望以下内容可以帮助到您!



  one-way fare 单程票

  round-trip fare 往返票

  graduate from 从…毕业

  care about 忧虑,关心

  care for喜欢,照顾

  care to do愿意/同意做某事

  give in vt 上交

  give in to 投降;屈服;让步 give up 放弃

  give up doing/sth

  as usual 像往常一样

  at midnight 午夜

  at an altitude of 在…海拔上

  attitude to/ towards 对…态度

  change one’s mind 改变主意

  to my mind = in my opinion

  make camp 野营,宿营

  make up one’s mind to do 决心干某事

  put up one’s tents 搭起帐篷

  sth be familiar to sb某事为某人所熟悉

  dream of/ about doing sth 梦想做某事

  go for long bike rides 做长途自行车旅行

  persuade sb to do sth= persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事

  persuade sb not to do sth= persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做某事

  determine to do sth 动作 / be determined to do sth (心理) 决心干某事

  get sb interested in 使某人对..感兴趣

  insist on one’s sth/ doing sth 一定要;坚持要

  the best way of doing sth/ the best way to do sth 干某事的办法

  sb be familiar with sth某人熟悉某事

  can’t wait/ can hardly wait to do sth 迫不及待想干某事

  for one thing… for another (用来引出某事的理由)一则… 二则…

  take one’s breath away 使某人大吃一惊


  1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River.

  强调句基本句型:it is/ was…. that….其中指人时可用who主,whom宾。

  2. Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that we should find the source of the river.

  insist that….should+ v原形 坚持要;坚持要求

  insist that….陈述语气 坚持说;坚持认为

  3. Have you ever seen snowmen ride bicycles? metaphor

  4. To climb the mountain road was hard work but to go down the hills was great fun.

  5. Good luck on your journey.

  6. The lake shone like glass in the moonlight. simile



  in…ways 在…方面

  such as 例如

  believe it or not 信不信由你

  come up with 提出

  come up to a place 参观某地

  ever before 从前

  even if/ though 即使

  at the end of 在…末期

  be based on 在...基础上

  close to 距离…近

  change…into 把…变成

  in the early days 在早期


  the same…as 与…相同的

  at present 目前

  be absent from 缺席

  be present at 在席;出席

  carry out a rule 执行规则

  be a native of 是…人

  at sb’s request 应某人的要求

  have a command of掌握

  make a request 请求

  request that …should+v原形

  in one direction 朝一个方向

  give commands 命令

  be different from 与…不同

  i n the 1600’s = in the 1600s

  as a rule 通常;照例

  be native to 是…的土产动物/植物

  as we know 正如我们所知

  an international language 一门国际语言

  an international organization 一个国际组织

  play a role/ part in 在…中担任角色;在…中起作用;扮演一个角色;参与

  play an important role/ part 在…中起重要作用

  because of 因为;由于

  come up vi 走进;上来;发生;被讨论

  make good/ full use of (好好/充分)利用

  from one place to another 从一处到另一处

  present sth to sb / present sb with sth


  1. However, they may not be able to understand everything.


  2. This is because Britain ruled India from 1765 to 1947.


  3. All languages change when cultures communicate with one another.


  4. What the British call “petrol” the Americans call “gas”.

  美国人把被英国人称作“petrol”的东西称作“gas”。 此处what引导宾语从句

  5. Actually, it was based more on German than present day English.


  6. …those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English.

  7. The US is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken.

  in which= where, 其引导定语从句。 美国是一个大国,国内说着许许多多的方言。

  8. …there is more than one kind of English in the world.

  more than one+单数可数名词,作主语时,谓语用单数

  9. It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as well as a native English speaker.


  句型:It is + adj/n+ for sb to do sth 对于某人来说做某事是…

  扩充:It is + adj+ of /for sb to do sth

  当句式中形容词修饰to do sth 时用for; 若形容词修饰sb,则用of.

  eg: It’s kind of you to help me carry the box.


  1. either…or…和neither…nor…连接两个名词作主语,谓语动词采取就近原则。

  2. be different in


  be different from 强调在各方面的不同

  3. in the end 最后,最终 后无of 结构


  ⑴finally: 按照顺序的最后,常与first, secondly 等连用

  ⑵at last: 经过长时间等待直到最后

  ⑶in the end: 经过长期曲折斗争努力,终于… 如:战争等

  4. 与人交谈,常会有听不清楚或听不懂的情形,遇到这种情况该如何开口呢?


  ⑵I beg your pardon? I don’t understand./ Sorry, I can’t follow you.


  ⑶Could you say that again, please? / Could you repeat that, please? 请再说一遍好吗?

  ⑷Could you speak more slowly, please? 请你说得慢一点好吗?

  5. include ─ including; included; identity ─ identify

  actually ─ actual adj; apidly ─ rapid v

  government n ─ governv;wide adj ─ widen v;

  broad adj ─ broaden v ;foreign ─ foreigner;

  solve v ─ solution n

  6. petrol------gas ; lift------elevator;

